
Fohow Business Opportunity:

When choosing a company to join, the most important factor is not the type of compensation plan, but whether that plan is achieving important goals for distributors or not. Alfred White, senior management consultant at San Diego-based Hamilton LaRonde & Associates, Inc. recommends evaluating each company you are considering against the following characteristics of a good compensation plan:

Is it easy to enter into the opportunity? You should only have to buy a modestly priced sales kit. (It’s just N4,800 in FOHOW and this earns you an instant value of N20,800)Are you rewarded primarily for direct sales, rather than for override commissions?Are you rewarded for personally sponsoring others?Are you rewarded for recruiting multiple levels?Is the focus on selling products to the end consumer, rather than to your downline?Are you rewarded for training and sponsoring downline?Are you rewarded for high personal volume?Are you rewarded for high group volume?Does the plan provide for recognition?Does the plan offer nonmonetary rewards and incentives, such as trips or cars?Is the plan’s monthly maintenance requirement reasonable – not so high that you can never achieve it, and thus never receive compensation? In fact, in Fohow, there is not compulsory monthly maintenance requirement!

Conversely, here are some compensation plan characteristics that should send you running in the opposite direction if you come across them:

A plan that does nothing to discourage deadweight distributors and non-producersA plan that encourages inventory loading or large investments in productsA plan that emphasizes gimmicks rather than product sales

Four Major Types of Compensation Plans:

There are many different varieties of compensation plans out there. They often have exotic names. But they tend to be variations on four major types of plans;

1) The Unilevel Plan:

In this plan, recruits do not advance to positions above basic distributors, regardless of their performance. According to Alfred White, the principal advantage of the unilevel plan is that it’s easy for companies to administer and for distributors to explain to potential recruits.

Its chief disadvantage is its lack of flexibility in achieving some of the goals mentioned earlier. In addition, unilevel plans are limited in depth of levels of payment which inhibits deep sales organizations. Instead, front line width occurs which may cause sponsors to be “thin” in support for their downlines. Over time, most companies that start with unilevel plans adapt them to look more like a stairstep breakaway plan.

2) The Stairstep Breakaway Plan:

This is the oldest and most common type of network marketing compensation plan. After meeting certain performance criteria, a distributor advances in rank and “break away” from his or her original sponsorship line. The original sponsor receives a percentage override on the sales of the entire breakaway organization. In a way, a stairstep breakaway plan is a unilevel plan with the flexibility to motivate distributors to perform and advance.

Its chief advantage, says White, is that it has a good track record, is easy to modify, is accepted by regulatory agencies, and is driven by volume and performance.

The primary disadvantage of this plan is that it is sometimes so complicated that it’s difficult to explain to new recruits. Another disadvantage is that if the company does not monitor its distributors, they tend to get involved in inventory loading. And sometimes, there is an unreasonably high ongoing monthly personal purchase volume requirement.

3) The Matrix Plan:

This plan looks like a grid in which a distributor is limited to a certain number of recruits at each level. For example, in a 3-by-5 matrix, each level down to five can have only three downline distributors.

This type of plan is sometimes considered to be more gimmicky than others. Why? Because due to the width limitations, new recruits may find themselves placed underneath upline distributors who did not directly recruit them. In a three-wide matrix, for instance, the fourth distributor you personally sponsor would be placed under one of the first three distributors you personally sponsored (your first-level distributors).

This automatic filling of spots in the matrix can be attractive to novice distributors if they sign on with strong leaders who help fill their grids. Also, it works well in companies where most of the products are used by the distributors, rather than sold to outside consumers.

Matrix plans have been subjected to attacks by regulatory agencies because they sometimes look like “a game”. By and large, they have not had a successful record in the industry, and they foster non-producers, which makes the upline distributors resentful. Nevertheless, several major companies operate matrix plans. Only time will tell whether these plans are here to stay

4) Binary Plan:

The binary plan is the newest on the scene. In a binary plan, a distributor is allowed to occupy one or more “business centers,” each limited to two downline legs. Compensation is paid on group volume of the downline legs rather than a percentage of sales of multiple levels of distributors. In other words, payment is volume driven rather than level driven. Sales volume must be balanced in the two legs to be eligible for commissions, which are paid at designated points when target levels of group sales are achieved. The distributor may occupy multiple positions and may re-enter or loop below other two leg matrices in which he or she has been active. There is no depth limit on payment but each matrix has a finite amount that can be paid out, thus, necessitating involvement in multiple two leg matrices. Payment in binaries is often on a weekly basis.

Proponents of binaries cite several advantages. First, they like the weekly payout. Since it is a series of two leg matrices, it is simple to explain. Group cooperation is promoted because payout is on group volume and requires balancing of volume in each leg to be eligible for payout. Some call it more democratic because of the limitation on payout in each matrix, the unlimited depth of payout, and the allowance of looping or re-entry.

It seems the most misunderstood compensation plan in Network Marketing is – the Binary Plan. If operated properly, this plan is a classic example of a ‘people helping people’ program. We feel the Binary compensation system is the easiest system for anyone to build and develop. Here are some of the reasons we feel this way.

According to widely accepted statistics, the average distributor sponsors 2.7 people. Clearly, this fact alone has huge significance. In essence, it means the difference between success and failure for the majority of people who venture into this industry! In the Binary Plans, you just build 2 legs or teams as Binary means 2. If distributors can just bring in 2 and teach those to do the same, they can achieve success.

Another BIG advantage to the Binary Plan is the additional placements made by those who sponsor more than 2 distributors. After we’ve sponsored our first 2 distributors – all additional distributors we sponsor fall below our original 2 distributors – which in turn adds to their volume!

This generates a wonderful sense of excitement – which builds teamwork – which in turn feeds on itself as demonstrated by the incredible growth Binaries are known for.

A lot of other compensation plans require that you develop up to 5 or more team legs wide in order to earn from sales 5, 6 or 7 levels in depth. Most people would admit that building five teams requires significantly more work because you must splinter your focus, time, & energy among many teams rather than just two teams.

We know people in other plans who have worked like crazy to build their organisation only to see the big money just out of reach because they were limited in the levels of depth they can benefit from. With the binary, your volume is not limited to levels, so you are just as happy to place someone on your 100th level as you were your 1st level.

The Binary compensation plan is not Multi-Level Marketing. That’s because MLM plans usually pay based on a limited number of levels (typically 5-10). A Binary does not pay you on levels; it pays you on total sales volume of everyone in your two legs/team up to a predetermined cap set by the company. Levels don’t matter, only sales volume does.

In the Binary Plan, there is a fairer dispersion of income. Since successful upline distributors place new distributors in their downline, sales volume is distributed to entire lines of people. This means that the commissions being paid on volume end up being spread out more evenly among entire groups of distributors.

Another thing we love about Binaries is that all the sales volume that is generated through our organisation remains intact until we qualify to receive it. This is like money in the bank! This is a world different than every Multi-Level company I’m aware of which flushes that volume away at the end of each month.

We’ve worked a good variety of the ‘other plans’ and in our experience the Binary Plan allows people to work together in a much more synergistic manner; which pays off in numerous easy – including higher incomes for the greatest number of distributors.

 FOHOW’s Income-Producing Business Plan

 FOHOW’s Income-Producing Business Plan is revolutionizing how people create wealth.

The FOHOW Binary Compensation Plan is a binary system in which you build balanced left-side and right-side downline organizations for the purpose of selling FOHOW’s nutritional and personal care products. The weekly commissions you earn are based on the balanced Group Sales Volume (GSV) points accumulated in your left-side and right-side downline organizations. This is true leverage!

FOHOW Business Centers are designed to pay you weekly commissions on Sales Volume with no limit to the number of vertical levels from which you can earn your commissions. In addition, a FOHOW Business Center allows you to be paid on the Sales Volume created by your downline Associates and Preferred Customers.

Another powerful advantage of FOHOW’s program is that there are no monthly group volume and personal volume requirements (no compulsory monthly autoship). The income you receive from FOHOW will be in direct proportion to your ability to retail FOHOW’s products to your customers, as well as your ability to build an organization of associates who, like you, retail to their customers and build an organization of associates.

Figure 1

 Starting a Business Center

Your sponsor places you in an open position in his or her sales organization. This open position is called a Business Center (BC). Each Business Center has left and right sides in which Sales Volume accumulates. You earn commissions on 1 or 3 Business Centers or even more by following a few simple steps:

Complete an Associate Application form and purchase a Business Development System Kit.Order FOHOW products that total 300 points. These products may be for personal use or for retail sale, and may be ordered in a single order or accumulated over time.

Business centers:

The Basic Building Blocks – How Business Center Works to Provide Income for You : As you begin to build your downline, you have the option to start with 1 Business Center or 3 Business Centers or more. One Business Center gives you direct income from group volume, whereas 3 Business Centers give you leveraged income from group volume. The more the business center you have, the more your leverage and the more your income.

With 1 Business Center, as you sponsor Associates, you place them in open positions in your downline (Jill and Bob, Figure 2), always remembering to keep the left and right sides balanced. A unique aspect of the Binary Compensation Plan is that you and everyone under your upline are able to build your downline. This structure creates a synergy wherein everyone benefits when new Associates are added. This translates into faster growth for you and for those in your downline organizations.

If you choose to personally sponsor more people in FOHOW, you would place them in an open position under either Jill or Bob, which in turn will help their success. Plus, while you sponsor individuals in your sales organization, someone in your upline may also sponsor an Associate and position him or her on the left or right side of your Business Center. However, your success in FOHOW comes by sponsoring people on your left and right sides, sharing the products with others, and teaching them to do the same.

Figure 2

Commissions Calculation

Commissions are awarded first in commission points, which are converted to the Associates’ local currency. Commissions are paid on whole increments of balanced Group Sales Volume (GSV) accumulated in your left and right side organizations (Figure 3). Extra GSV, up to 10,000 points on each side, is carried forward – It’s like money in the bank.

 Figure 3

Commission (US$) Schedule – Payout will be based on U.S. dollars

Group Sales                      Volume Points                       Commission US$

Left                                                Right

500                                                500                                          60

1000                                              1000                                        120

2000                                              2000                                        240

4000                                              4000                                        480

6000                                              6000                                        720

8000                                              8000                                        960

10000                                            10000                                      1200

Calculating Commissions with 1 Business Center

Assume that your 001 Business Center to determine the GSV, which is the combined PSV of your downline from which your commission for the week is calculated, you total the points generated during the current week from every Business Center in your team. For example, you have 2,000 points in the GSV on your left side and 2,000 points on your right; According to the Commission Payout Schedule (Figure 3) your highest balanced GSV is 2,000 on each side, which would earn you a commission of 240US$ for the week.


In Figure 4, you have a total of 3,500 points on your left side and 2,500 points on your right. According to the Commission Payout Schedule, your highest balanced GSV is 2,000 on each side, equaling 240US$ for the week. The extra GSV would carry forward, and you would start the next week with 1,500points in GSV on your left side and 500 points on your right side.

Figure 4

3500 GSV                                             2500 GSV

   2000 GSV                                              2000 GSV

                                                                   1500 GSV                                                500 GSV

    CARRYOVER = 1500 LEFT, 500 RIGHT

        Total Commission = 240 US$

Additional Income Potential

As you become increasingly successful selling FOHOW’s nutritional and personal care products, you can qualify for Re-Entry Certificates, which allow you to increase your number of Business Centers and your income potential.

  Direct income from Group Volume

4000 GSV here earns 240US$

    Leveraged income from Group Volume

4000GSV earns 480US$

Doubling Commission with 3 Business Centers

As illustrated in Figure 5 above, you can see the difference between building a business with 1 Business Center versus 3 Business Centers. As you build business Centers 002 and 003, you are simultaneously building Business Center 001 without additional effort. With 3 Business Centers, you build balanced legs on two Business Center and earn commissions on three. This is the same with 7 business centers and more. This is why Fohow Distributors are having tremendous success!

On the right side of figure 5, you will see that your 002 and 003 Business Centers each have 1,000 points in GSV on the left side and 1,000 points on the right.

According to the commission Payout Schedule, the highest balanced GSV is 1,000. Earning your commission 120 US$ for the week in the 002 and 003 Business Centers. Your 001 Business Center would earn the same 240 US$ as compared to the one Business Center on the left side of Figure 5. That’s a 480 US$ commission for you-twice the commission for the week.

 * These figures should not be considered as guarantees or projections of your actual earnings or profits. Any representation or guarantee of earnings would be misleading. Success with FOHOW results only rom successful sales efforts, which require hard work, diligence and leadership. Your success will depend on how effectively you exercise these qualities.


Terms Definition

Distributor – Any legal citizen, recommended by eligible Distributor in our company, who purchases Career Master Plan Kit from our company, fills the distributor application form, purchases over 300pv of product value (300pv included) and gets approved will be a distributor of our company and obtains a franchise number.Distribution Right – An operation unit of a distributor which is the smallest unit that can get involved in assessment of distributor performance and compensation. Each distributor owns one or several Distribution rights. Distribution rights include right – to – be and qualified right.Qualified Distribution Right – The distributor whose performance reaches 300PV owns qualified distribution right. The qualified distribution right will participate in reward assessment and gets rewarded according to bonus plan.Right-to-be – The distributor whose performance under 300pv gets right to be. Right to be is not involved in the reward assessment.PV – PV means Point Value. PV is worked out by dividing sale by the conversation rate between standard money and PV. PV is the uniform performance point volume unit of Fohow Company. – The virtue relation formed when a distributor recommends a new one in. – The relation between the distributor and the new distributor he/she recommends when the new distributor is placed under the recommending distributor or his/her subordinates.Subordinate Distributors Recommended – Summation of the distributors recommended directly by a distributor himself/herself.Allocation Subordinates – According to the allocation relations, Summation of the distributors allocated directly in one distributor’s subordinate network. – The generic term for allocation subordinates and all subordinate franchise networks.Personal Performance – The PV obtained by the distributor who fills order form and purchases products with his/her own franchised ID number in a certain week. – The process of achieving one of cycle reward. – The process from zero accumulative achievement to the highest which is composed of 7 stages.

Compensation Plan Explanation

Assessment week and Compensation eligibility

In Fohow, Monday is the first day of the assessment week and next Friday is the last day. The performance is assessed weekly.Every distributor in Fohow is eligible to make retail profits by selling Fohow products and recommending others into career in Fohow.

Professional Levels

Qualified Distributor; If any personal achievement of a qualified distribution right accumulates up to 300pv or above, the distributor is called qualified distributor.Emerald Distributor; If any qualified distribution right of a distributor finishes one cycle, the distributor is called Emerald distributor.Sapphire Distributor; If any qualified distribution right of a distributor finishes six cycles, the distributor is called sapphire distributor.Diamond Distributor; If any qualified distribution right of a distributor finishes twelve cycles, the distributor is called Diamond distributor.Three-diamond Distributor; if three qualified distribution right of a distributor respectively finishes twelve cycles, the distributor is called Three-diamond distributor.Five-diamond Distributor; If five qualified distribution right of a distributor respectively finishes twelve cycles, the distributor is called five diamond distributor.Seven-diamond Distributor; If seven qualified distribution right of a distributor respectively finishes twelve cycles, the distributor is called seven-diamond distributor.Fohow Ambassador Distributor; If two directly recommended distributors become seven-diamond, the recommending seven diamond distributor is called Fohow ambassador distributor.Cycle Bonus

If any of your qualified distribution right keeps active, then the performance of the network of the working right will be totalized and you will gain the corresponding cycle Bonus. When the cycle finishes, the new networks’ performance will restart accumulating and move to next cycle. It moves endlessly and your income is endless too.

Stage 1

According to the allocation relation, in any cycle week, if the accumulative achievement of any two respective networks of a qualified distribution right of a distributor reaches 500Pv or above, then the right will gain a cycled bonus of 60 US$

Stage 2

According to the allocation relation, in any cycle week, if the accumulative achievement of any two respective networks of a qualified distribution right of a distributor reaches 1000Pv or above, then the right will gain a cycle bonus of 60 US$. After this stage, accumulatively, a cycle bonus of 120 US$ is acquired.

Stage 3

According to the allocation relation, in any cycle week, if the accumulative achievement of any two respective networks of a qualified distribution right of a distributor reaches 2000Pv or above, then the right will gain a cycle bonus of 120 US$. After this stage, accumulatively, a cycle bonus of 240 US$ is acquired.

Stage 4

According to the allocation relation, in any cycle week, if the accumulative achievement of any two respective networks of a qualified distribution right of a distributor reaches 4000Pv or above, then the right will gain a cycle bonus of 240 US$. After this stage, accumulatively, a cycle bonus of 480 US$ is acquired.

Stage 5

According to the allocation relation, in any cycle week, if the accumulative achievement of any two respective networks of a qualified distribution right of a distributor reaches 6000Pv or above, then the right will gain a cycle bonus of 240 US$. After this stage, accumulatively, a cycle bonus of 720 US$ is acquired.

Stage 6

According to the allocation relation, in any cycle week, if the accumulative achievement of any two respective networks of a qualified distribution right of a distributor reaches 8000Pv or above, then the right will gain a cycle bonus of 240 US$. After this stage, accumulatively, a cycle bonus of 960 US$ is acquired.

Stage 7

According to the allocation relation, in any cycle week, if the accumulative achievement of any two respective networks of a qualified distribution right of a distributor reaches 10000Pv or above, then the right will gain a cycle bonus of 240 US$. After this stage, accumulatively, a cycle bonus of 1200 US$ is acquired.

When one cycle finishes, the new networks’ performance will restart accumulating and move to next cycle, it moves in cycles endlessly.

Matching Bonus

The period of obtaining this reward lasts 52 weeks. Meaning you can draw the bonus 10% Cycle Bonus on your directly recommended downline for 52 consecutive weeks since the week when the distributor you directly recommend joins Fohow.

Global Leadership bonus

If you are promoted to diamond level or above, you can participate in “Global leadership bonus” share and gain global bonus. In your qualified distribution rights which have finished 12 cycles or above, if only one finishes a complete cycle in one week, you will gain one bonus lot. In your qualified distribution rights which have finished 12 cycles or above, if two finishes a complete cycles in one week, you will gain 2×2-1=3 bonus lots. In your qualified distribution rights which have finished 12 cycles or above, if three finishes a complete cycles in one week, you will gain 2×3-1 = 5 bonus lots.

By parity of reasoning, in your qualified distribution rights which have finished 12 cycles or above, if “n” rights finish complete cycles in one week, you will gain 2n-1 bonus lots.

According to the bonus lots obtained by all distributors, distributors participate in the global leadership bonus lots which take 5% of the global sale of each week.

Weekly bonus reward = (weekly global sale x 5% + ∑ weekly global bonus lots) x weekly personal bonus lots

Special Bonus Fund

If you are promoted to diamond level or above, you can participate in “Special Bonus Fund” and gain special bonus ,5% of the global turnover is set aside for the Special Bonus Fund.

International Travel Reward: when you become a diamond distributor or above, you are qualified to accumulate and use special reward bonus fund to join the international travel organized by our company (each gains 3,000 US$ most). 3% of global turnover is set aside for this reward. When you become three-diamond or above, you are qualified to accumulate and use special reward bonus fund to obtain the heroically fancy car reward (each gains 30,000 US$ most). 1% of global turnover is set aside for the reward. when you become five-diamond distributor or above, you are qualified to accumulate and use special reward bonus fund to obtain the Luxury Yacht Reward (each gains 60,000 US$ most). 0.5% of global turnover is set aside for the reward. when you become seven-diamond distributor or above, you are qualified to accumulate and use special reward bonus fund to obtain the Luxury House Reward (each gains 200,000 US$ most). 0.5% of global turnover is set aside for the reward.

Special reward fund is calculated from the week after you acquired the corresponding level. The special reward sum obtained every week will be accumulated to your special reward fund.

Weekly special reward sum = (weekly total global achievement x proportion set aside corresponding to the reward + ∑ weekly global special reward scores) x weekly score of your special reward)

Global Fohow Ambassador Bonus Reward

All the Fohow ambassador distributors can participate in Fohow Ambassador bonus which takes a proportion of 0.5% of global sale of every week

Personal Purchase Bonus Reward

A qualified distributor is eligible to obtain the personal purchase bonus which is calculated in dollars according to the total PV of the weekly personal purchase.

The distributor with one or two qualified centers will be rewarded with 15% PV of the total weekly purchase.The distributor with three qualified centers or more will be rewarded with 25% PV of the total weekly personal purchase50% PV of the total weekly personal purchase will be accumulated into your smaller leg of your qualified center and your upline GSV for the corresponding cycle bonus achieved


Cycle reward is settled up weekly and granted on Tuesday in the third weekGlobal bonus reward is settled up weekly and once a seasonDifferent rewards can concurrently be obtainedGranting of special reward fund complies with Global special fund granting enforcement regulation.

Fohow Company reserves the right to amend, adjust and explain this reward plan.

Why a Home-Based Business with FOHOW?

FOHOW has a unique Binary compensation system that allows more individuals become wealthy and be financially free.

With nearly 55cents of every dollar going back to Associates in the form of commissions, FOHOW offers the highest payout percentage of profitable reporting companies in the industry. FOHOW has a unique Binary compensation system that allows more individuals become wealthy and be financially free.

Low Start-Up costs – To start your own home-based FOHOW business, there is very little upfront investment and no qualifying volume or inventory requirements. The only required purchase is FOHOW’s Business Development System Kit. For as little as $30US, you get a tried and tested system for creating an income-generating business that can last a lifetime.Simple Compensation Structure – No previous experience is necessary for you to be successful with FOHOW – just bring a willingness to learn and passion for helping others improve their lives. It only takes your efforts and two individuals to do the same for you to start building a profitable downline organization. And, depending on your ambition and efforts, you can start earning commissions in your first week simply by sharing the products with others and ordering some for yourself.Incredible Earning Potential – Unlike a traditional job that gives you one way to earn income, FOHOW’s award-winning compensation plan offers an incredible six ways to earn income, providing a realistic opportunity to leverage your downline’s efforts to earn an above-average commission cheque every week. To help you succeed, unpaid volume carries over every week, there are no group sales requirements, and you are not limited to levels. In addition, you could potentially save thousands of dollars with home-based business tax deductions.Your Business Fits Your Life – It’s your business. You work where, when, and how you want. Generally, if you put in a little bit of work, you’ll earn a little bit of income. If you put in more work, your earnings will increase. And you’ll be free from the typical work week irritations – no alarm clock, no schedule, no rush hour, traffic, and no boss.You’re in Business for Yourself, Not by Yourself - FOHOW is behind you every step of the way. You will receive expert training and have access to a wealth of tools to make your life easier: a full Associate-only Web site where you get the latest news, training, free downloads, and business management services; frequent Web conferences; unforgettable events; eye-catching sales aids, professional multimedia productions; exciting publications; and much more. Our enthusiastic and experienced customer service team is available to help in several languages.A World of Possibilities – If you’ve always wanted to travel the world, FOHOW is your ticket to a successful international business. FOHOW responsibly expands by choosing promising markets around the world in which to open for business. With our seamless compensation plan, you can build your organization in multiple countries without having to worry about different compensation plans or currency conversations. FOHOW takes care of everything while you work in exotic locations, discover exciting cultures, and make a world of new friends.Growing Health & Wealth Industry – For many years, wellness-related businesses have been one of the fastest growing segments in direct selling. Renowned economist, Paul Zane Pilzer identified wellness products and programs as the economy’s next trillion-dollar industry. As a large portion of the world population ages, they are looking for products that make them look and feel better, and younger generations are looking for ways to maintain their health and energy levels to meet the needs of their busy lives. FOHOW is poised to meet those needs. – FOHOW’s quality products are formulated by a world-class scientific team based on cutting-edge, proven science and expertise in keeping cells healthy through optimal nutrition. The company also collaborates closely on research with the other notable institutions. Additionally, most products are manufactured and packaged in FOHOW’s own state-of –the art facility, allowing FOHOW to guarantee the quality and potency of every product.Worldwide Credibility – FOHOW is a solid, publicly traded company that has attracted people of all ages, genders, and education levels from across the globe. World-class athletes, best-selling authors, respected scientific institutions, leading health and wellness experts, and experienced business professionals across the globe have all recognized FOHOW’s commitment to excellence.Experience You Can Count On – Founded in 1999, FOHOW has years of experience in perfecting not only products that set the gold standard in the industry, but also a duplicable home-based business model that is stable in a good economic climate or bad. Under the direction FOHOW’s solid and experienced management team, the company is positioned for a future of continued growth and success.

Top Ten Benefits of FOHOW’s Compensation Plan

It only takes twoNo monthly group volume and personal volume requirementSeamless Global PlanUnlimited Growth OpportunityMultiple Ways To earn MoneyOnline Business Building ToolsExponential GrowthLow Risk, Big Potential

FOHOW’s unmatched Binary Compensation Plan gives you several ways to earn generous commissions every week in direct proportion to your ability to sell FOHOW’s products to your customers and build an organization of independent Associates who do the same.

Retail Sales

Earn profit on the sale of FOHOW products when you collect the difference between wholesale and the retail price, which you set. Selling retail is one of the quickest ways to develop immediate income for your business while you start to build a long-term base of satisfied customers. You can sell however works best for you: by using our many sales aids, by sending customers to your personal Web Site, or by meeting customer’s in-person –either one-on-one in a party setting.

Weekly Commissions

Earn up to 6 percent in commissions on the weekly Group Sales Volume (whole increments) accumulated in your organization of Associates and Preferred Customers who, like you, generate volume through product sales. Unlike other compensation plans, any extra volume (up to 10,000 points on each side) is carried forward to the following week. Because FOHOW products are consumable, you will have a regular stream of income coming in as people re-order. Use the Auto shop program to make earning money as easy as possible- FOHOW does all the work (taking orders, money, shipping, etc) and you get all the credit.

Matching Bonus

Put your business on the fast track to success, first, by becoming active in the first several weeks of your business. Then, help new downline members duplicate your success, and you will be rewarded with up to a 10percent Matching Bonus for as many as twelve months (52 weeks) on the sales volume of Associates you enroll. This bonus, unique to FOHOW, is the best way to quickly boost income!


In the many fun and challenging contests and leadership incentives FOHOW offers throughout every year. Past rewards have included luxury travel to exotic destinations, such as Mongolia or Tibet; valuables prizes, including cars; and even thousands of dollars in extra cash! Not to mention the respect and recognition you receive as a top achiever or contest winner at FOHOW events.

Global Leadership Bonus

Become a top leader who helps other succeed and you will be eligible to receive a share in the profits for your excellent sales performance. Every week, FOHOW reserves five percent of its global sales volume and divides it among qualifying diamond distributor and above to support building and training new leaders. As you advance beyond a diamond distributor, the number of shares you receive each week increases exponentially, helping you accumulate wealth quicker.

Special Bonus Fund

As an additional incentive to strive for the heights of excellence, FOHOW offers another attractive bonus exclusively to each top income earners. Enrich your income with a share of five percent of FOHOW’s total global achievements, which we reserve for the fastest growing elite.  The more you earn and grow, the better your reward.

Do you dream of owning your own business? Working for yourself, working from home, being your own boss, determining your own hours…. It sounds great. But the costs and work required to start up a new business can be staggering. Even established business owners find themselves chained to high overhead costs while waiting for clients to come to them.

Direct Selling: Making Dreams Come True

Fortunately, there is a better option. Many have turned to direct selling to make their business dreams come true. Direct selling is the distribution method employed by FOHOW Health Sciences, and other network marketing companies, where products are sold person-to-person, away from a fixed retail location.

Direct Selling with FOHOW

Make a difference­ – Like working with people? Help improve the quality of people’s lives.Be part of a team – Work together toward a common vision and a common goal. Meet new, lifelong friends.Be your own boss – Flexible and self-directed workweek. You set your hours. You control your success. – No commute or rush hour traffic. Live and work wherever you want; your business moves with you. Spend more time with your family.Great income potential – You are paid what you’re worth. You decide how much you earn. – Earnings can come your first week with a realistic opportunity to earn an above-average income every week. – You can build a successful income-generating business that can last a lifetime.Available for everyone – No previous experience necessary. Training is provided, allowing you to earn as you learn, regardless of age, sex, background, or education.Low start-up costs – No franchise fees or royalties. Minimal overhead. No need to rent an office or buy expensive equipment.No employees – No employee-related hassles or paperwork. You choose who you want to work with.Significant potential tax benefits – Legally save thousands of dollars with home-based business deductions. – Your life is on your schedule and based on your priorities. Work when and how much you want, part time or full time.

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