Sunday, April 5, 2015

Fohow Calcium Seaweed Capsule. Nigeria

Fohow Calcium (Seaweed) Capsule

Posted on January 6, 2015 // 0 Comments

 Fohow Seaweed Calcium Capsule

The role and importance of green seaweed to the human nutrition was mentioned before in the section about spirulina, as an ingredient of “Gaoqian”. The green Liucao seaweed, which is present in soft capsules “Chajcao Gaj”, resembles spirulina and has a similar effect. It is worth to mention a large amount of vitamins present in the seaweed, (beta carotene, vitamins C, E, B, etc.) and minerals (magnesium, iodine, iron, selenium, zinc, etc.), and calcium among them.

Ingredients: calcium from seaweed, vegetable oil, gelatine.
Packaging contains: 100 capsules, 800mg each.
Usage: up to 2 capsules per day, wash down with warm water.
Expiration date: 18 months from the production date.
Storing conditions: sealed up in a dry and cool place; away from direct sun rays.

There are many different calcium preparations sold at the chemist’s. Unfortunately, an easy to absorb calcium has not been obtained yet. However, it has to be mentioned that for the first time in the world wide practice due to the high technologies Chinese corporation “Fohow” managed to extract calcium from the seaweed, which is almost completely and easily absorbed by a human organism, and it does not provoke any side effects.
It has to be mentioned, that the food supplement contains B group vitamins, obtained from vegetable oil, which make calcium better absorbed in the intestine and remain in the bones. Calcium is very important, especially when we face osteoporosis problems, bone breaking, heart work disorders, etc. It is not enough to use the food which is rich in calcium; calcium needs to be absorbed. That is why it has to be transformed into ionic form. It happens in the stomach, under the influence of salt acid, and when its production is reduced, calcium absorption is disturbed. Gradually a deficit of calcium develops in the human organism: at the age of 40 it is typical to 50% of people, at 60 – 90%; it causes tiredness, early aging, reduced attention concentration, calf muscle spasms, heart and blood vessel system diseases and respiratory diseases. When growing older the process of bone tissue restoration slows down, it can cause bone disease – bone osteoporosis, resulting in the reduction of bone tissue volume. The reason for the disease – slow down in the absorption of calcium in the human organism, which can be hereditary or caused by the lack of feminine hormones in the period of menopause. Osteoporosis can develop because of bad ecological situation, poor nutrition, insufficient amount of calcium entering a human organism. Very often osteoporosis is developing unnoticed and is identified only in cases of bone breaking even due to a light load or soft hit. Often osteoporosis is called “invisible epidemic”, placing it in the forth position in the list of fatal diseases (after heart and blood vessel, oncological and diabetes). Age factor is important in the development of the disease. According to the medical statistics osteoporosis is registered among 30-50% of fifty year olds (mainly women), and after 75 a half of men and women suffer from it. Nowadays osteoporosis becomes a problem to young people as well.

Aging processes;
Lack of vitamins and minerals;
Thyroid gland deficiency;
Increased permeability of blood vessel walls, bleeding;
Allergies, diathesis;
Skin diseases (rash, eczema, psoriasis);
Osteoporosis, rachitis, arthritis prevention and treatment;
Tired legs’ syndrome and spasms;
Climacteric and post-climacteric periods;
Bone breaking cases;
To children and teenagers for the development of the support-movement system;
In cases of attention concentration disorders;
When sparkling drinks are used;

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